Thursday, February 19, 2009

Recent photos of Maximus( And His Ghost writer Aunt Di)

Good evening everyone.

Aunt Di stopped by tonight. I was glade to hear that her leg no longer hurts, and she is getting past her pain of her toes. But guess what? She brought some new photos of Maximus, Michele, and I. So as promissed, I have more pics. I also realised that I never posted a pic of Aunt Di. So I put one of them on here to. :0)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Learning day by day.

Hi everyone, Maximus is doing well. He seems to like my beard. He likes to touch it and stair. I think it is because I am the only one he has seen with one. It is great to hold him when I can. I have been on the road, and in March, I will be on the road allot more. Michele still has a little time left on her leave. She is still trying to breast feed him. He is still learning how. As you all know he was on a feeding tube, and bottles. Being a guy, I have know clue why they have to learn how to latch on. But it must be a learning curve. I am sure he will get the hang of it, after all he is a guy. ;0) I have not herd how Aunt Di is doing. I hope she is taking it easy. I should be home tomarrow. I will try to get photos of Maximus when I get there. Other than that, not much to say except thank you all for careing.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

The feeding tube is out!!!

Good evening everyone. Maximus has no cords attached. Fueling by his own power. It sure is nice not seeing the tube, but just his shining face. As the days go by he seems more, and more alert. He is able to finish his bottles, and take his medication. Aunt Di was here two days ago, and sacrificed herself to make sure Maximus didn't hit the floor. She tore some ligiments, and broke two toes. :0( She had just changed his little diaper on the floor, and stood up. While she was getting up, she tripped, and lost balance. Rather then let Maximus get hurt, she spun on her toes, and landed on her back. Here is Maximus with out any yucky tubes in his face. :0) Keep Di in your prayers, that she will heal quickly.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good morning everyone,

Grandma Peacock is going to help Michele for a couple of days. I think it is a good thing. Anyone who knows Michele, knows that she won't take peoples help with out a fight. LOL I have been in Ohio the last couple of days. I wish I was independently wealthy. I miss that little guy..

Monday, February 9, 2009

I had my first appointment with my Pediatrician today. I have been working out so much that I have lost weight. So even though I'm drinking my full bottle, the Doctor thinks it's best that I only drink 1/2 of it by myself & take the rest through the yucky feeding tube. They need to fatten me up a little more I guess. I also had some blood work done - I thought I was done with all the poking & prodding, but I guess not.

When I was at the doctors office - the nurse told mommy to carry me naked back to the room (after being weighed). Mommy said that was probably not a good idea, but the nurse didn't listen. Sure enough I sprayed the hallway & even pooped a little just to prove mom's point! It was unfortunate for Mommy - since she was the one carrying me :0)

I have an appointment with the Cardiologist on Thursday - he will decide if I have to keep the feeding tube or not.

I miss my daddy.....

Back to work for Daddy.

Good morning everyone. I had to return to work this today, but Michele is home. It was sad to kiss that little guy goodbye for the week. I will be staying in Detroit. One of us has to get some money coming in. :0) My employer Vanguard was very helpfull the last couple of weeks. Maximus is doing well, he has a doctor appointment today, lets all keep our fingers crossed, that he will get rid of his feeding tube. Other than that, I don't really have much to say, except thankyou all for your prayers, I am sure they did wonders.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Going-home day

Here are some pictures that Grammy took of going-home day.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Home at last, home at last, home at last.....

Good evening everyone. Maximus is doing very well thanks to all of your prayers. His first night home went well, he drunk three bottles without the feeding tube being needed. He has been adjusting to the quiet, not being woke up every five minuets for a good pokeing, or even able to forget haveing his temp taken. He is just a sweet little happy baby. Here are the most recent photos. I think you will all agree, he is a much happier baby home with his parents.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Students in Aunt Barb's fifth grade class made me a welcome home banner. Here they are working on it. I came home so fast, though, that Aunt Barb couldn't get it to my house before I got there!

Let the wild rumpus begin!

I'm outa here! Mommy, Daddy and I are on our way home. Yahooooooo!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A closer look

Aunt Di said people wanted some closer pictures of me. Aunt Barb had a few that she took last Saturday. Look how good I am at taking the bottle! I look much cuter without the tape on my face to hold the tubes in place!
I hear Uncle John does hypnosis in his job as a psychologist. Well, I think he used his hypnosis voice when he sang to me, because I got very sleepy.
Happy Birthday to ME! Today I am 3 weeks old! It's pretty humbling to think of all I have been through in those 3 weeks, more than most go through in a life time. Everyone knew I was a tough guy - that's why Daddy picked the name Maximus, and I have certainly proved that!

Today has been a pretty quiet day - Mom & I have done a lot of napping! We are both ready to go home! I have been able to completely finish my last 3 bottles, so hopefully the feeding tube will not be in long. (it will go home with me - but they will put in a 30 day one so mom & dad will not have to change it - just remove it when the time comes!)

The nurse said that they will probably remove my heart monitor today, in preparation of being able to go home tomorrow! I may be released as early as noon (Thursday 2/5/09). I can't wait.

I have had several requests for close up pictures of me - I'm sure lots will be taken tomorrow when I leave the hospital - we will post some then! If you are lucky I may even autograph one for you :0)

Last night in Ann Arbor

Well, I am continuing to wow everyone and it looks like Mommy and Daddy will finally get to take me home tomorrow! We are all very excited. I continue to do great without any extra oxygen (thank goodness--that thing in my nose was so annoying). My echocardiogram yesterday showed that my heart is working just fine, and the nurses took the IV port out of my foot today, so now both my feet are free and available for playing with--just don't tickle, please. It looks like I still will have a feeding tube when I leave (that and the heart monitor are the only things that are still attached to me at the moment), even though I took two whole bottles for the night nurses last night and just drank a whole one for Grammy this afternoon. Mommy and Grammy figured out that the trick was to let me get wide awake and hungry, and I can make quick work of that bottle. When they were waking me up every three hours to take it, I wasn't always in the mood to eat, or awake enough to finish. Mommy still hasn't learned to put in my feeding tube (she was hoping she wouldn't need to). But, since it has to be changed every three days, she will have to learn before they will let her spring me. The plan is that we should be blowing this joint around noon Thursday! Grandpa is picking up Daddy and trading him in for Grammy, so Daddy and Mommy can take me home, and Grandpa can finally have Grammy back. I've gotten pretty used to having her around. She has been a big help to Mommy all this time I have been in the hospital. I'm pretty sure she'll come visit me at home, though.

This has all been quite an adventure, but I'm ready to settle in to a little more normal life with Mommy, Daddy, and my kitty Josette at home. Thanks for all your prayers that have helped me get better and be able to go home.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Still hanging in there.

Today Maximus had his hearing test. And would'nt you know it, he passed. He has eaten all but 1 cc of what he needs to each feeding. So for now he will have to have a feeding tube. I had to learn how to insert his feeding tube threw his nose. What a strong little guy. He put up a fight like you would expect. But all and all it went well. Today his was visited by his Grandpa Peacock, and his Aunt Julie. We are waiting for his test results from his echo. Michele is trying to get her stuff together at the Ronald Mcdonald house. They keep talking like he may be able to go home wenesday, or thursday, or even Friday. But most likely by this weekend. Michele still has to do the feeding tube to prove she can handle it. If she gets back soon enough, I will post photos. So for now, know he is in good hands, and being well kept. I agree with alot of you, he is a handsome little man. :0)


Monday, February 2, 2009

Well they took me off my oxygen this afternoon and I'm doing fine....I will show them that I can keep it up for 24 hours!!! I also am well enough that they circumcised me today - it didn't bother me one bit, I didn't even cry (although I think daddy did). Must be I'm tougher than him :0)
Today is two weeks after surgery and I am getting stronger by the minute! They did an x-ray of my lung and it is looking much better. So much better that they will try weaning me off my oxygen today and see how I do. Today the nurse told Mommy that as long as I can keep my oxygen saturation levels high enough for 24 hours she will be able to spring me out of this joint!

Mommy has to add a little formula to my milk because I need the extra fat. Aunt Di says she has some spare she would be willing to give me. Apparently because I'm working so hard at getting better, I'm burning more than I'm taking in.

Mom & Dad will both learn how to change my feeding tube just in case I get my breathing down before my eating and they let me go home. Mom says I'm doing a good job with my bottles - I almost finished a whole one this morning. I'll keep working on it - I'm ready to get this tube out of my nose! I keep trying to pull it out but they keep putting it back in!

It sure would be nice to be home by this weekend. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I know my kitty cat is anxiously awaiting my arrival (she misses Mommy too) and I have so many people to meet including my great grandparents!

Grandpa was telling me about a group of ladies that talk about me every morning - they are my Great Great Aunts Sr. Carmella & Sr. Rosie - they are Dominican Sisters and they and the other Nuns in their home get together & pray for me every day - they even had a special prayer session just for me! Wow, it's nice to have so many people that love me!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yesterday was a busy day for me - I had many visitors and since I can finally be held again, I was passed from person to person. I was moved out of intensive care late Saturday night (about 11:30pm). The area I am in now encourages the parents to learn all the things that the nurses are doing for me, so mom is learning all sorts of new stuff.

The nurse told mommy that if I can't finish at least 3 bottles a day before it is time for me to go home, then mom & dad will need to learn how to change my feeding tube. Mom doesn't think that is a very good plan, so I will work very hard on it! The first bottle I got (Grammy had the honors) I dribbled more down my chin than anything. I only finished about 1/4 of it. The second bottle I got from my mommy. Daddy showed me how to suck on it - it was a very strange & funny sight! I ate about 1/2 of that. By the next feeding I was so tuckered out from entertaining my company that I could only eat about 1/3 of it. Anything I don't finish they put in my feeding tube. We can't waste any of that yummy mommy's milk.

Sunday - Daddy fed me my lunch bottle today and I finished 3/4 of it - I think I have the hang of it now! Yesterday Aunt Marsha said it would be much better if it was chocolate milk - maybe I'll request that next time. Mommy gave me a bath today - the first one she was able to give me. I really liked it.

Before I eat someone has to tap on my back with a rubber mallet - it sounds like they are beating me, but it actually feels really good. Because my one lung isn't quite inflated I tend to get raspy - they are tapping on my lungs to move the moisture. It makes me cough, but that means its working.

I think I'll have a quiet night tonight - maybe my roomate and I will host a Superbowl party....